Magnetic foil A4 (self-adhesive), has a good adhesive layer with which it can easily be stuck on, for example, miniatures, movement trays and other products to get a good magnetizing layer. Only one side needs to be provided with the magnetic foil and the other side can be provided with a metal foil on which a magnet can exert its magnetic force. This way the miniatures will never roam and fall over in their movement trays, for example.
Format: approx. A4 (297 x 210 mm)
Thickness: 1mm
Magnetization form: anisotropic
Holding force: 80 g/cm2
Weight: 230 gr
The flux detector placed on top in the third photo makes the stripe-shaped magnetization particularly attractive. North and south poles alternate in rapid order. This leads to a higher adhesive force in direct contact with ferromagnetic surfaces.
The foil is anisotropically magnetized, which means it has a higher adhesive force than many standard magnetic foils.