Unleash the power of corruption with Warpaints Fanatic Tainted Gold. This metallic paint embodies the sinister allure of cursed treasure, offering hobbyists the opportunity to create models that exude darkness and decadence. With its deep, tarnished gold color and aged finish, Tainted Gold is perfect for painting cursed artifacts, forbidden relics, and accursed idols that whisper of ancient evils and forbidden knowledge. Whether you're crafting a horde of undead guardians or a cabal of dark sorcerers, Tainted Gold adds a touch of malevolence and mystery to your miniature collection, making your models truly stand out on the tabletop battlefield. Packaged in an 18ml eyedropper pot with 2 agitator balls, this metallic paint combines aluminium flake and mica for superior coverage and sheen, ensuring a shimmery finish that captures the essence of tainted gold.